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Thursday, January 28, 2010

libevent 2.0 released

As per this update on the google developer blog , libevent 2.0 seems to be released.

For those of you new to the library - libevent provides a platform agnostic event handling library so that the user does deal with the quirks of the operating systems like Linux and Solaris and chooses the best event handling adapter present in the kernel ( Eg: In Linux, from 2.6 - epoll performs much better than poll / select . The former in O(1) in handling of connections whereas the latter group is O(n) in event handling proportional to the number of active connections at that time instant ).

More details are available in the book available here.

Specifically about the update - it seems like the developers on Windows would benefit a lot from the API changes made. I will probably write a more detailed review of the same after playing around with the software / API on various platforms and distributions.

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